30 Lab Safety Quiz Questions and Answers

Dress Appropriately: Always wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) before entering the lab. This includes lab coats, safety goggles, gloves, and closed-toe shoes. PPE is crucial for shielding your body from hazardous chemicals, flames, and sharp objects.

Know Your Experiments: Before starting any experiment, make sure you thoroughly understand the procedures and potential risks involved. If you are unsure about anything, ask your instructor or lab supervisor for clarification.

Handle Chemicals with Care: Follow the instructions for handling, storing, and disposing of chemicals. Use the correct containers and labels for each substance. Never mix chemicals unless instructed to do so by the experiment procedure.

Use Equipment Safely: Familiarize yourself with the lab equipment and their proper usage. Always turn off equipment when not in use and be cautious around heat sources like Bunsen burners.

Keep the Lab Clean: A tidy lab is a safe lab. Clean up any spills immediately and maintain a clutter-free workspace to avoid accidents.

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No Eating or Drinking: Never consume food or drinks in the lab, as you risk ingesting harmful chemicals accidentally.

Wash Hands Regularly: Always wash your hands thoroughly after working in the lab, especially before eating, drinking, or touching your face.

Article outline

Part 1: 30 lab safety quiz questions & answers

1. What is the most appropriate attire when working in a laboratory?
a) T-shirt and shorts
b) Lab coat, safety goggles, and closed-toe shoes
c) Long flowing dress or skirt
d) Sandals and flip-flops

Answer: b) Lab coat, safety goggles, and closed-toe shoes

2. When should you wear gloves in the lab?
a) Only when handling dangerous chemicals
b) Only when using sharp objects
c) Always when working in the lab
d) Gloves are optional

Answer: c) Always when working in the lab

3. What should you do if you accidentally spill a chemical on yourself?
a) Wait until the end of the experiment to clean it up
b) Clean it up immediately using the appropriate procedure and notify your supervisor
c) Ignore it, as small spills are not harmful
d) Ask someone else to clean it up for you

Answer: b) Clean it up immediately using the appropriate procedure and notify your supervisor

4. Before conducting an experiment, it is essential to:
a) Read the procedure and potential hazards carefully
b) Check your phone for messages
c) Wear your lab coat inside out for good luck
d) Work without supervision

Answer: a) Read the procedure and potential hazards carefully

5. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate action in the laboratory?
a) Running to quickly finish the experiment
b) Keeping the work area clean and tidy
c) Keeping all food and drinks away from the lab area
d) Following all safety guidelines and procedures

Answer: a) Running to quickly finish the experiment

6. What should you do if you don’t understand the instructions or procedures in the lab?
a) Proceed with the experiment as best as you can
b) Ask a lab mate for advice
c) Consult the instructor or lab supervisor for clarification
d) Skip that step and move on to the next one

Answer: c) Consult the instructor or lab supervisor for clarification

7. How should you handle broken glassware in the lab?
a) Carefully pick it up with your bare hands and place it in the trash
b) Use tongs or a dustpan and brush to pick up the broken pieces and dispose of them in a designated glass disposal container
c) Kick it under the lab bench to deal with later
d) Leave it for someone else to clean up

Answer: b) Use tongs or a dustpan and brush to pick up the broken pieces and dispose of them in a designated glass disposal container

8. Which of the following should you do if there is a fire in the lab?
a) Attempt to put it out yourself using water or the closest extinguisher
b) Immediately evacuate the lab and alert others on your way out
c) Try to move any hazardous chemicals away from the fire
d) Continue working and ignore the fire if it seems small

Answer: b) Immediately evacuate the lab and alert others on your way out

9. When should you remove your safety goggles in the lab?
a) Only when your lab partner confirms it’s safe to do so
b) Whenever you feel uncomfortable wearing them
c) Only after you have left the lab
d) Never remove your safety goggles while in the lab

Answer: d) Never remove your safety goggles while in the lab

10. Which of the following is true about eating or drinking in the lab?
a) It is allowed as long as you are careful not to spill
b) It is strictly prohibited at all times
c) It is allowed during non-experimental periods
d) It is allowed in designated areas of the lab

Answer: b) It is strictly prohibited at all times

11. How should you dispose of chemicals after an experiment?
a) Pour them down the sink
b) Store them in your lab drawer for future use
c) Follow the proper waste disposal guidelines provided by your instructor
d) Leave them on the lab bench for someone else to deal with

Answer: c) Follow the proper waste disposal guidelines provided by your instructor

12. When is it acceptable to taste or smell a chemical in the lab?
a) Whenever you feel curious about the substance
b) Only if you know the chemical is non-toxic
c) Never, tasting or smelling chemicals is strictly prohibited
d) When the instructor or lab supervisor explicitly instructs you to do so

Answer: c) Never, tasting or smelling chemicals is strictly prohibited

13. Before using any lab equipment, you should:
a) Check for damage and report any issues to the lab supervisor
b) Use the equipment without any additional checks
c) Assume the previous user has already checked it
d) Use it as you see fit without regard to the user manual

Answer: a) Check for damage and report any issues to the lab supervisor

14. What is the primary purpose of a fume hood in the laboratory?
a) To store chemicals safely
b) To provide extra space for equipment storage
c) To contain and exhaust harmful vapors and fumes
d) To keep the lab temperature regulated

Answer: c) To contain and exhaust harmful vapors and fumes

15. When using a Bunsen burner, which statement is correct?
a) It’s okay to leave the Bunsen burner unattended while it’s lit
b) Always point the open end of the tube away from yourself and others
c) Place the Bunsen burner near flammable materials for easy access
d) It’s not necessary to have a fire extinguisher nearby while using the burner

Answer: b) Always point the open end of the tube away from yourself and others

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16. What should you do if you accidentally spill a chemical on your skin or clothing?
a) Wash the affected area with water for at least 30 seconds
b) Ignore it, as it is not harmful
c) Continue working and clean it up later
d) Use a cloth to wipe it off immediately

Answer: a) Wash the affected area with water for at least 30 seconds

17. Which of the following is NOT a proper way to handle electrical equipment in the lab?
a) Use equipment with damaged cords or plugs
b) Unplug equipment by pulling the cord
c) Keep electrical cords away from water and other liquids
d) Turn off equipment and unplug it when not in use

Answer: a) Use equipment with damaged cords or plugs

18. How should you carry sharp objects, such as scissors or scalpels, in the lab?
a) By holding them pointed down by your side
b) By passing them directly to your lab partner
c) By carrying them with the sharp edges exposed
d) By using a container or holder to transport them safely

Answer: d) By using a container or holder to transport them safely

19. When should you begin cleaning up your lab station after an experiment?
a) After everyone else has

finished their experiment
b) As soon as you are done with your experiment
c) At the end of the lab session, regardless of your experiment’s status
d) At the discretion of the lab supervisor

Answer: b) As soon as you are done with your experiment

20. What should you do if you accidentally break a mercury thermometer in the lab?
a) Use your hands to pick up the broken glass and mercury
b) Call for help and leave the area immediately
c) Pour water over the mercury to clean it up
d) Ignore the spill and continue working

Answer: b) Call for help and leave the area immediately

21. Which of the following is an appropriate action if you get a chemical in your eyes?
a) Wait for it to evaporate on its own
b) Rinse your eyes with water for at least 15 minutes and seek immediate medical attention
c) Rub your eyes vigorously to get the chemical out
d) Ignore it, as most chemicals are harmless to the eyes

Answer: b) Rinse your eyes with water for at least 15 minutes and seek immediate medical attention

22. What should you do if you find an unlabeled chemical in the lab?
a) Use it for your experiment as long as it looks similar to what you need
b) Dispose of it in the trash immediately
c) Ask your lab mate if they know what it is
d) Report it to your lab supervisor and do not use it

Answer: d) Report it to your lab supervisor and do not use it

23. When should you remove your gloves after completing an experiment?
a) As soon as the experiment is finished, regardless of any clean-up tasks remaining
b) Wait for someone else to remove them for you
c) After washing your hands
d) Never remove your gloves until you leave the lab

Answer: a) As soon as the experiment is finished, regardless of any clean-up tasks remaining

24. Which of the following is the correct procedure for smelling a chemical in the lab?
a) Inhale deeply to get a strong sense of the odor
b) Waft the odor towards your nose using your hand
c) Stick your nose directly into the container to smell it
d) Pour a small amount on your hand and smell it directly

Answer: b) Waft the odor towards your nose using your hand

25. How should you label a test tube containing a chemical?
a) Use a sticky note with your name written on it
b) No need to label, just remember what’s inside
c) Use a pencil to write the name of the chemical on the test tube
d) Use a waterproof marker to clearly label the test tube with the chemical name

Answer: d) Use a waterproof marker to clearly label the test tube with the chemical name

26. Which of the following should NOT be disposed of in regular trash?
a) Paper towels with chemical spills
b) Empty glass containers
c) Broken glassware
d) Disposable gloves used during an experiment

Answer: c) Broken glassware

27. What should you do if there is a power outage while conducting an experiment in the lab?
a) Light candles to continue working
b) Continue the experiment in the dark
c) Inform your lab supervisor and wait for further instructions
d) Start working with more intensity to finish before the power comes back

Answer: c) Inform your lab supervisor and wait for further instructions

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28. What is the best way to transport a large volume of liquid in the lab?
a) Carry the container with both hands, ensuring it doesn’t spill
b) Pour the liquid into a smaller container for easier transport
c) Carry it above your head to avoid spills
d) Ask someone else to carry it for you

Answer: b) Pour the liquid into a smaller container for easier transport

29. Which of the following actions should you take if you accidentally break a thermometer containing mercury?
a) Notify your lab supervisor and follow their instructions for cleanup
b) Clean it up yourself using paper towels and dispose of them in the regular trash
c) Ignore it and continue working on your experiment
d) Pour water over the mercury to clean it up

Answer: a) Notify your lab supervisor and follow their instructions for cleanup

30. How should you behave during a fire drill in the lab?
a) Ignore the alarm and continue working
b) Evacuate the lab immediately and follow the designated evacuation route
c) Stand near the exit but wait for others to evacuate first
d) Hide under the lab bench until the drill is over

Answer: b) Evacuate the lab immediately and follow the designated evacuation route

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