30 Gun Safety Quiz Questions and Answers

Gun safety is of utmost importance to prevent accidents, injuries, and fatalities related to firearms. Whether you own a gun for self-defense, recreational shooting, or hunting, it is crucial to follow strict safety practices and guidelines to ensure the safe handling, storage, and use of firearms. Here’s an overview of key gun safety considerations:

Safe Storage: Guns should be stored securely in a locked gun safe or cabinet, away from unauthorized individuals, especially children and visitors. Ammunition should be stored separately.

Keep Guns Unloaded: Always assume that a gun is loaded, even if you believe it’s not. Keep the firearm unloaded until you are ready to use it.

Point the Muzzle in a Safe Direction: Never point a gun at anything you do not intend to shoot. Always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction, away from people and valuable objects.

Finger Off the Trigger: Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. This prevents accidental discharges.

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Know Your Target and What’s Beyond: Before shooting, be sure of your target and what lies beyond it. Bullets can travel through multiple barriers and pose a risk to others.

Firearms Safety Training: Seek professional firearms safety training from certified instructors to learn the proper handling, operation, and shooting techniques.

Article outline

Part 1: 30 gun safety quiz questions & answers

1. What is the first rule of gun safety?
a) Keep your finger on the trigger at all times
b) Always point the gun at something you want to shoot
c) Treat every gun as if it is loaded
d) Store guns and ammunition together in an unlocked drawer

Answer: c) Treat every gun as if it is loaded

2. What is the proper way to store firearms when not in use?
a) Leave them on the kitchen table
b) Keep them unloaded and in a locked gun safe or cabinet
c) Store them in a drawer with ammunition nearby
d) Hang them on the wall as decorations

Answer: b) Keep them unloaded and in a locked gun safe or cabinet

3. When should you point a gun at someone?
a) During a friendly game of “cops and robbers”
b) When you want to scare them
c) Only when you are angry or upset
d) Never, unless you intend to shoot to defend yourself

Answer: d) Never, unless you intend to shoot to defend yourself

4. What should you do before handling a gun?
a) Call a friend to show off your gun
b) Check the ammunition to see if it matches the gun
c) Check if the safety is engaged
d) Point it at the ground and pull the trigger

Answer: c) Check if the safety is engaged

5. Why is it essential to use eye and ear protection while shooting?
a) To look cool and professional
b) To prevent others from hearing your shots
c) To enhance your shooting accuracy
d) To protect yourself from debris and loud noise

Answer: d) To protect yourself from debris and loud noise

6. What is the proper way to carry a firearm?
a) Pointing the muzzle at the ground
b) Holding it with your finger on the trigger
c) Carrying it with your finger off the trigger and the muzzle pointed in a safe direction
d) Carrying it by the barrel

Answer: c) Carrying it with your finger off the trigger and the muzzle pointed in a safe direction

7. What should you do if you encounter a situation where you are uncertain about a gun’s condition or operation?
a) Guess and continue with what you were doing
b) Seek assistance from a knowledgeable individual or firearm professional
c) Post about it on social media for advice
d) Pretend to be an expert and try to fix it yourself

Answer: b) Seek assistance from a knowledgeable individual or firearm professional

8. How should you store ammunition when not in use?
a) In a separate room from the firearms
b) Mixed together with different calibers
c) In a locked ammunition cabinet
d) In a kitchen pantry

Answer: c) In a locked ammunition cabinet

9. When should you keep your finger on the trigger?
a) Whenever you are carrying the gun
b) When you want to show off your shooting skills
c) When you are not aiming at anything
d) Only when you are ready to shoot

Answer: d) Only when you are ready to shoot

10. Why is it important to educate family members, especially children, about gun safety?
a) To show off your gun collection to them
b) So they can play with the guns when you are not around
c) To ensure they understand the dangers and avoid firearms without adult supervision
d) To teach them how to use guns for self-defense

Answer: c) To ensure they understand the dangers and avoid firearms without adult supervision

11. What is the correct way to handle a malfunctioning firearm?
a) Keep trying to pull the trigger until it fires
b) Attempt to fix the problem yourself
c) Seek assistance from a qualified gunsmith or firearm professional
d) Dispose of the gun in the trash

Answer: c) Seek assistance from a qualified gunsmith or firearm professional

12. Why should you avoid consuming alcohol or drugs when handling firearms?
a) To avoid wasting your favorite drinks
b) Because it’s illegal to do so
c) To maintain good health and hygiene
d) Because alcohol and drugs impair judgment and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents

Answer: d) Because alcohol and drugs impair judgment and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents

13. What should you do before cleaning or inspecting a gun?
a) Clean it while it is loaded to save time
b) Point it at a wall and pull the trigger to ensure it’s unloaded
c) Check the chamber, magazine, and action to ensure it is unloaded
d) Use the opportunity to practice your quick-draw skills

Answer: c) Check the chamber, magazine, and action to ensure it is unloaded

14. Why should you always know your target and what’s beyond it before shooting?
a) To make sure you hit your target accurately
b) To impress others with your shooting skills
c) To avoid hitting innocent bystanders or property beyond the target
d) To prevent ricochets

Answer: c) To avoid hitting innocent bystanders or property beyond the target

15. What should you do if you encounter an unattended firearm in a public place?
a) Ignore it and walk away
b) Take it home with you
c) Alert a responsible adult or law enforcement immediately
d) Pick it up and play with it

Answer: c) Alert a responsible adult or law enforcement immediately

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16. What should you do if someone hands you a gun and you are unsure if it’s loaded or not?
a) Start pointing it at objects to check if it’s loaded
b) Pull the trigger to see if it fires
c) Keep your finger off the trigger and treat it as if it’s loaded until you can verify its condition
d) Show it to your friends and ask for their opinion

Answer: c) Keep your finger off the trigger and treat it as if it’s loaded until you can verify its condition

17. Why should you avoid horseplay or joking around with firearms?
a) Because it’s too dangerous and can lead to accidents
b) To impress your friends with your handling skills
c) Because it’s more fun to play with guns
d) To show off your marksmanship

Answer: a) Because

it’s too dangerous and can lead to accidents

18. What is the primary purpose of gun safety training?
a) To become a professional shooter
b) To impress others with your gun knowledge
c) To ensure safe handling, operation, and shooting of firearms
d) To use guns for entertainment purposes

Answer: c) To ensure safe handling, operation, and shooting of firearms

19. What should you do with the safety mechanism on a gun?
a) Ignore it and handle the gun normally
b) Engage the safety only when you are ready to shoot
c) Rely solely on the safety to prevent accidental discharges
d) Engage the safety when the gun is not in use and disengage it only when ready to shoot

Answer: d) Engage the safety when the gun is not in use and disengage it only when ready to shoot

20. What is the correct way to transport firearms in a vehicle?
a) Place them on the passenger seat
b) Keep them loaded and ready to use
c) Secure them unloaded in a locked case or container
d) Hold them out of the window while driving

Answer: c) Secure them unloaded in a locked case or container

21. Why should you avoid mixing different calibers of ammunition?
a) To save space in your ammunition storage
b) To ensure ammunition is easily accessible
c) To prevent potential firearm malfunctions and accidents
d) Because mixing different calibers is illegal

Answer: c) To prevent potential firearm malfunctions and accidents

22. What should you do if you encounter a situation where you’re unsure if it’s safe to shoot?
a) Take a guess and shoot anyway
b) Seek professional advice from a certified firearms instructor or range safety officer
c) Ignore any doubts and proceed with shooting
d) Call a friend and ask for their opinion

Answer: b) Seek professional advice from a certified firearms instructor or range safety officer

23. When should you handle a firearm?
a) While watching a movie or TV show
b) Only when you are ready to shoot
c) When you want to impress someone
d) At all times, even if you are not planning to use it

Answer: b) Only when you are ready to shoot

24. Why is it important to educate children about gun safety?
a) So they can play with guns whenever they want
b) To instill fear and mistrust in them regarding firearms
c) To prevent curiosity-driven accidents and promote responsible gun ownership
d) To encourage them to handle guns without adult supervision

Answer: c) To prevent curiosity-driven accidents and promote responsible gun ownership

25. What is the proper way to hand a firearm to someone else?
a) With your finger on the trigger and pointing it at them
b) With the muzzle pointed at the ground and your finger off the trigger
c) By throwing it to them
d) Pointing it at the sky and pulling the trigger

Answer: b) With the muzzle pointed at the ground and your finger off the trigger

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26. Why should you avoid modifying firearms without proper knowledge and training?
a) To maintain their resale value
b) Because modifications are illegal in most places
c) To ensure they function safely and reliably
d) To impress others with your customizations

Answer: c) To ensure they function safely and reliably

27. What should you do if you encounter a loaded firearm with no one around?
a) Fire it into the air to see if it works
b) Ignore it and walk away
c) Pick it up and try to find the owner
d) Leave it alone and immediately inform law enforcement or a responsible adult

Answer: d) Leave it alone and immediately inform law enforcement or a responsible adult

28. What is the correct way to carry a firearm with a sling?
a) Pointing the muzzle towards your body
b) Slinging it over your shoulder with the muzzle down
c) Keeping your finger on the trigger at all times
d) Swinging it around like a toy

Answer: b) Slinging it over your shoulder with the muzzle down

29. What should you do if your gun fails to fire after pulling the trigger?
a) Keep pulling the trigger until it fires
b) Immediately point it in a safe direction and wait a few seconds
c) Yell at the gun to fire
d) Disassemble the gun to find the problem

Answer: b) Immediately point it in a safe direction and wait a few seconds

30. What should you do if you accidentally shoot a firearm in an unsafe direction?
a) Celebrate the accidental discharge
b) Laugh it off and continue with the activity
c) Immediately report the incident to a responsible adult or law enforcement
d) Pretend it didn’t happen and avoid mentioning it to anyone

Answer: c) Immediately report the incident to a responsible adult or law enforcement

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