30 Automation Testing Quiz Questions and Answers

Automation testing is a software testing technique that involves using specialized tools and scripts to automate the execution of test cases and the comparison of actual outcomes with expected results. The primary goal of automation testing is to increase the efficiency, speed, accuracy, and repeatability of the testing process.

Key Concepts of Automation Testing:

Test Automation Tools: Automation testing relies on various tools and frameworks designed to automate the testing process. These tools can interact with the application being tested, simulate user interactions, and validate the application’s behavior against expected outcomes.

Test Scripts: Test scripts are sets of instructions or code that define the steps to be performed during testing. Testers use programming languages or scripting languages (such as Java, Python, or Selenium WebDriver) to create these scripts.

Regression Testing: Automation testing is particularly useful for regression testing, where previously executed test cases are re-run to ensure that new changes or updates in the application have not introduced new defects or issues.

Test Data Management: Automation testing requires a robust strategy for managing test data, ensuring that the test environment remains consistent and reproducible for different test runs.

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Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Automation testing is often integrated into CI/CD pipelines, allowing automated tests to be executed automatically whenever there are changes in the application’s codebase. This helps detect and fix issues early in the development process.

In this article

Part 1: 30 automation testing quiz questions & answers

1. What is Automation Testing?
a) Manual testing performed by human testers
b) Testing carried out by automated robots
c) Use of tools and scripts to automate test execution
d) Testing performed without test cases

Answer: c) Use of tools and scripts to automate test execution

2. Which of the following is a key goal of Automation Testing?
a) Reducing the number of test cases
b) Increasing the need for manual testing
c) Enhancing testing efficiency and accuracy
d) Automating test plan creation

Answer: c) Enhancing testing efficiency and accuracy

3. What is the primary advantage of Automation Testing over manual testing?
a) Faster execution of test cases
b) Reduced need for testers
c) Lower cost of testing
d) Elimination of test planning

Answer: a) Faster execution of test cases

4. Which type of testing is particularly suitable for Automation Testing?
a) Exploratory testing
b) Usability testing
c) Regression testing
d) User acceptance testing

Answer: c) Regression testing

5. What is the main purpose of Regression Testing in Automation?
a) Identifying new defects in the application
b) Verifying the correctness of new features
c) Ensuring that existing functionality remains unaffected by changes
d) Automating the testing process

Answer: c) Ensuring that existing functionality remains unaffected by changes

6. Which scripting language is commonly used for writing test scripts in Automation Testing?
a) C++
b) Python
c) JavaScript
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

7. What does CI/CD stand for in the context of Automation Testing?
a) Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment
b) Computer Intelligence/Computer Design
c) Continuous Improvement/Continuous Development
d) Control and Inspection/Control and Delivery

Answer: a) Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment

8. What is the benefit of using CI/CD in Automation Testing?
a) Reducing the need for automation tools
b) Improving the quality of test scripts
c) Automating the software development process
d) Automatic execution of tests on code changes

Answer: d) Automatic execution of tests on code changes

9. Which type of testing focuses on determining the application’s ability to handle a large number of users or data?
a) Functional testing
b) Performance testing
c) Security testing
d) Usability testing

Answer: b) Performance testing

10. Which tool is commonly used for mobile app Automation Testing on Android and iOS platforms?
a) JUnit
b) Selenium WebDriver
c) Appium
d) Cucumber

Answer: c) Appium

11. What is the term for the process of automatically generating test data for testing scenarios?
a) Test scripting
b) Test planning
c) Test data management
d) Test case design

Answer: c) Test data management

12. Which type of testing involves testing the application’s behavior in different web browsers?
a) Usability testing
b) Compatibility testing
c) Security testing
d) Stress testing

Answer: b) Compatibility testing

13. Which type of Automation Testing is used to validate web page layouts and elements?
a) Performance testing
b) Security testing
c) GUI testing
d) Unit testing

Answer: c) GUI testing

14. What is the term for the process of automatically executing a set of test cases in a particular order?
a) Regression testing
b) Load testing
c) Test case execution
d) Test suite execution

Answer: d) Test suite execution

15. Which testing approach involves designing test cases based on specific user scenarios?
a) Black-box testing
b) White-box testing
c) Grey-box testing
d) Scenario-based testing

Answer: d) Scenario-based testing

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16. Which type of testing focuses on verifying the application’s response to boundary values?
a) Stress testing
b) Boundary testing
c) Load testing
d) Unit testing

Answer: b) Boundary testing

17. What is the term for the process of ensuring that automated test scripts are free of defects and errors?
a) Performance testing
b) Debugging
c) Test data management
d) Test script validation

Answer: b) Debugging

18. Which type of Automation Testing tool simulates user interactions with the application’s graphical user interface?
a) Performance testing tool
b) Security testing tool
c) Load testing tool
d) Test automation tool

Answer: d) Test automation tool

19. Which type of testing verifies the security measures implemented in the application?
a) Usability testing
b) Load testing
c) Security testing
d) Unit testing

Answer: c) Security testing

20. What does “TDD” stand for in the context of Automation Testing?
a) Test-Driven Development
b) Test Documentation Discipline
c) Test Data Design
d) Test Data Deployment

Answer: a) Test-Driven Development

21. What is the term for testing the application’s ability to handle a large number of simultaneous users?
a) Usability testing
b) Performance testing
c) Security testing
d) Regression testing

Answer: b) Performance testing

22. Which type of Automation Testing checks if the application can recover from unexpected failures or crashes?
a) Endurance testing
b) Recovery testing
c) Security testing
d) Load testing

Answer: b) Recovery testing

23. Which testing approach involves examining the internal structure of the application’s code?
a) Black-box testing
b) White-box testing
c) Grey-box testing
d) Scenario-based testing

Answer: b) White-box testing

24. Which type of Automation Testing is used to verify the application’s response to various network conditions?
a) Network testing
b) Load testing
c) Performance testing
d) Stress testing

Answer: a) Network testing

25. Which type of testing verifies the application’s compliance with industry or regulatory standards?
a) Usability testing
b) Compliance testing
c) Security testing
d) Unit testing

Answer: b) Compliance testing

26. Which type of Automation Testing verifies the application’s ability to handle unexpected data inputs?
a) Stress testing
b) Boundary testing
c) Security testing
d) Negative testing

Answer: d) Negative testing

27. Which type of testing involves testing the application’s user interface on different screen sizes and resolutions?
a) Usability testing
b) Compatibility testing
c) Security testing
d) Stress testing

Answer: b) Compatibility testing

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28. Which type of Automation Testing is used to assess the application’s performance under heavy user loads?
a) Load testing
b) Security testing
c) Regression testing
d) GUI testing

Answer: a) Load testing

29. What is the term for the process of automatically generating test scripts based on specific test cases?
a) Test data management
b) Test script execution
c) Test automation
d) Test case generation

Answer: d) Test case generation

30. Which type of Automation Testing focuses on testing the application’s behavior across different devices and platforms?
a) Load testing
b) Compatibility testing
c) Security testing
d) Performance testing

Answer: b) Compatibility testing

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